Business Intelligence

The key to successful strategies, campaigns, and actions to grow your business comes from data, and here... we have a lot of it for your business growth.

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Customers already using our platform

Every day, major brands effectively process millions of orders using an Ordering storefront websites & applications, management tools, and delivery logistics technology.

Group 67

The more you know, the more you grow.

Gain insight into each business aspect and apply them for your own business benefit

Total Control

Management Tools

Control your orders, stores, menus, drivers, users, reviews, marketing, reports, and messages.

Collect data and obtain insightful information on your business's progress to help you thrive in the market and optimize inventory costs.

Business Analytics

Access a detailed overview of how your whole marketplace is performing at any moment.

Track orders, drivers, sales, traffic, reach, and revenue in real-time.

Group 39354-minOrders
Group 39355-minSales
web marketing-minTop Products

Group 39358-minOrder Status
Group 39359-minRegister Users
Group 39377-minTop Categories

Group 39362-minTime Spent to Accept Order
Group 39360-minCostumer Satisfaction
Group 39361-minTime Spent Waiting on Ready for Pickup 

There’s a lot of power to be unlocked, save time, and understand it from our free resources.

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Ordering, Delivery & Management Technology

Discover all the tools that will guide you to success.

Describe your image
Anthony Grower

Marketing Specialist


Drivers Analytics

Understand every step your fleets are making in real-time, even those drivers that are working with you via a third party integration.

Driver Filters

group 1-min

Driver Groups

Group 39404-min-1


Group 39398-min


Invoice Manager

Control every payment by downloading the full report within minutes; every order is recorded with all details to avoid finger mistakes.


Driver Invoices

Create each invoice according to the needs of that day's invoice and download it in a single click

Group 39353-min
Charge the business a commission and fees
Group 39371-min
Percentage fee
Group 39352-min
Business Name
Group 39372-min
MISC Amount.
Group 39368-min
Group 39373-min
Select Date Range
Group 39369-min
Group 39375-min
Fixed Fee
Group 39370-min
Payout the business
Group 39374-min
MISC Description

Advanced Reports

There’s a lot of information about your business you need to know.

Group 39378-min
Top Selling & Category
Group 39383-min
Top Drivers
Group 39389-min
Number of orders within a specific range.
Group 39379-min
General Sales
Group 39384-min
Driver Time
Group 39390-min
Detail of the completed orders of each delivery agency
Group 39380-min
Average Sales
Group 39385-min
Driver Distance
Group 39391-min
Service time
Group 39395-min
Register Users
Group 39386-min
Group 39392-min
Distance in KM from the store to the customer (Range KM)
Group 39380-min
Group 39387-min
Order Status
Group 39393-min
Distance in KM from the store to customer
Group 39394-min
Group 39388-min
Driver Schedule
Group 39396-min

More tools to route your business in the right direction

Describe your image
Anthony Grower

Marketing Specialist


Delivery Automation

Set up your fleets according to your business guidelines, and automate your order assignment. 


Marketing & Loyalty

Reach more customers through SEO, promotions, recovery tools, landing pages, and more.


Ordering Suite

 Sell across all channels with online, in-store intuitive, and high-performing technology.



In your Ordering Platform to get things done, Analytics, Finances, Reports & more like 3,000+ more to go.

Get all this information for your business, and start growing today.